South Korea’s Economic Future: Industrial Policy, or Economic Democracy?South Korea’s Economic Future: Industrial Policy, or Economic Democracy?
This paper argues that neither industrial policy nor economic democracy are in the best interest of Koreans. Rather, a laissez faire policy of minimal government interference will provide the best environment to foster South Korea’s continued
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A retrospective Look at Rescuing and Restructuring General Motors and Chrysler February 19, 2015A retrospective Look at Rescuing and Restructuring General Motors and Chrysler February 19, 2015
U. S. government, the analysis used to evaluate their request, and the steps taken by the government to rescue them. The paper also summarizes the performance of the U. S. auto industry since the bailout and draws some general lessons from
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Chambers/ Flynn British LiteratureChambers/ Flynn British Literature
General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford, were in dire need of help after the worst economic state since the great depression hit in 2007
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Auto industry trade-off daAuto industry trade-off da
Auto industry is expanding now in the U. S. now is the key time to continue investment to prevent a catastrophic collapse
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The case for regulation, part 2 some the politics of auto safety regulation Cover Story by Gareth G. CookThe case for regulation, part 2 some the politics of auto safety regulation Cover Story by Gareth G. Cook
The case for regulation, part 2 some the politics of auto safety regulation Cover Story
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History and introductionHistory and introduction
LeMay Collection numbered in excess of 3,000 vehicles and thousands of artifacts. The Collection is broadly American and spans the 20th Century powerfully demonstrating both the dominance of the American auto industry in that time period as well as the
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The American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2012The American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2012
Paper prepared for The Contours of the American State and the Making of Public Policy
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